EatDenver Membership
Are you a restaurant, bar, coffee shop, brewery, bakery, food truck, or food hall stall interested in joining EatDenver?
To become a member, your food or beverage concept must:
Be Colorado operated
Be an independent (no chains or franchises)
Member Benefits

“EatDenver has not only helped our restaurant grow through their marketing support, food events and advocacy, but they have helped us flourish as restaurateurs. The connection and camaraderie you gain with other independent restaurant owners through EatDenver is invaluable. When you join EatDenver, you join a network of professionals who support one another and the organization fiercely…”
- Meg Batizy, Operating Partner, The Lobby
Annual Membership Pricing
To support more equitable access to EatDenver’s membership and benefits, we offer a sliding scale membership dues structure based on gross annual sales of all Denver area locations under single ownership.

"The resources, support and connection that EatDenver offers is unparalleled. The instant you join, you have access to a knowledgeable, passionate fellowship who are excited to share their expertise. EatDenver members consistently reach out to assist one another regardless of the innately competitive nature of our business. It's truly a magical organization!”
- Leigh Jones, Owner, Horseshoe Lounge & Dew Drop Inn